This week: January 17, 2025 - TBA - TBA
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January 17: TBA - TBA
January 24: TBA - TBA
January 31: NBRC - Club Assembly (Zoom only)

(New location)

February 24th

Curtis M. Dalpra – Water Supply issues in the Washington Area

February 17th

With the Western United States battling the most severe drought in thousands of years and states and cities facing water restrictions and shortages, local leaders are looking closely at their water resources.  The Potomac River is the source of water for most of the Washington area, and the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICBRB), based in Rockville, plays a key role in managing the region’s water supply.

Curtis Dalpra, Communications Manager for ICPRB has directed the agency’s public affairs and outreach efforts since 1995.  He manages ICPRB’s Communications Unit, responsible for the agency’s public persona and fulfilling the Compact goal of outreach to the public to educate about Potomac River issues and to promote public stewardship.

He has worked closely with the ICPRB administration to educate decision-makers about ICPRB and to build both popular and political support for the agency and the Potomac River. He has been heavily involved in ICPRB’s recent efforts to ensure that the ICPRB membership is well-informed about the value the Commission brings to the basin and its jurisdictions.

Cathy Higgins – Food Insecurity in Montgomery County

February 10th

Food insecurity is defined as a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. Parts of Bethesda suffered food insecurity at rates up to 16 percent. Since March 2020, this number has increased by more than 35 percent. In 2021, North Bethesda Rotary joined the Nourishing Bethesda coalition to assist with a food delivery program.  Since then, the program has evolved into an appointment-based food distribution system involving more than 300 families in Montgomery County.

Cathy Higgins began volunteering with Nourishing Bethesda in 2021. She currently serves as Nourishing Bethesda’s Volunteer Coordinator, while also working on community partnerships and communications. She retired in 2021 as a Federal Senior Executive with 36 years of service working on national security issues. Cathy and her husband Jim have lived in North Bethesda for over 30 years and have two adult children.