This week: January 31, 2025 - NBRC - Club Assembly (Zoom only)

David Searby – A New Kind of Rotaract Club

Posted on July 21st

David Searby, newly-installed President of Metro Bethesda Rotary Club, will present his proposal that his club, ours, and other local clubs jointly sponsor the creation of a new kind of Rotaract Club.

Traditionally sponsored by single clubs, Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18 and older to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service. David will explain his proposal for a joint sponsorship to our members and other invited guests.   David has invited Pallavi Gowda and Bree Kunzel from Potomac Rotary Club, Varda Fink, new President of Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rotary Club and Raquel Micit, a potential Rotaract Club member, to join our meeting on July 21st to hear and consider his proposal.  


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