This week: February 14, 2025 - TBA - TBA

Shadi Mokhtari – After Abu Ghraib: Exploring Human Rights in America and the Middle East

Posted on May 14th

Shadi Mokhtari – After Abu Ghraib: Exploring Human Rights in America and the Middle East

Shadi Mokhtari is Assistant Professor at the School of International Service at American University. She specializes in human rights, Middle East Politics, and Political Islam. She talked mostly about the creation of Israel and the resulting victim status of the Palestinians. Prior to WW2 Palestine was made up of mostly small farms. As a result of the 1948 war, Israel was created and Palestinian farmers were displaced. Israel was attacked in ’67 and ’73 and occupied Gaza and the West Bank. Professor Mokhtari said that Americans view Israel’s security concerns and she sees the human rights concerns of the Palestinians. In the absence of a two state solution, Israel keeps expanding with new settlements and building more walls which separate Palestine into unconnected partitions thus violating their human rights.

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