Mikki Firor – Alzheimer’s Association

Posted on January 15th

Mikki Firor – Alzheimer’s Association

It was our second meeting at the Oakville Grille (Wildwood Shopping Center, across from Hamburger Hamlet). The food and room are excellent. Mikki Firor talked about the National Capital Area chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. One in 6 people 60 years old and 50% of 85 year olds have Alzheimer’s disease. It is a brain disorder with no current cure. Medications can suppress the symptoms, but can’t slow the disease progression. Five million Americans have the disease and require 15 million care takers. It starts with memory, language and hearing, progresses to the eyes, and in the end stops breathing. Mikki explained its differences from other forms of dementia, and talked about the 10 behavior signs to look for. She recommended to keep a log of the symptoms.

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