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Geoff Arnold – Frederick Keys

Posted on May 27th

Geoff Arnold – Frederick Keys

Geoff Arnold is Frederick Keys (A+ Minor League Base Ball Team) Broadcasting and Public Relations Manager, since February 11, 2014. In this role, Arnold works as one of the teams broadcasters ( along with Doug Raftery) and serves as the primary liaison to the media. Arnold umpired in college and went to Pro Umpire School. He umpired one year in Minor League Rookie Base Ball and one year at Keys before taking the Broadcast Management job. Rookie B. B. is High School + B.B. with a short season of 60 to 70 Summer games. Minor A, A+, AA, and AAA teams play 140 games a year and are affiliated farm teams for the Major League teams. Keys has a staff of 18 and are in the Carolina/North League. One of the Keys promotions is the COWBOY MONKEY RODEO where monkeys ride dogs chasing sheep.

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