This week: December 13, 2024 - NBRC - Annual Meeting

Divya and Naina Wodon – Rotarian Economist

Posted on July 29th

Divya and Naina Wodon –  Rotarian Economist

Divya and her sister, Naina Wodon,, are rising Seniors at Washington International School in DC. They founded the Interact club of the school in 2012. In 2013-14 they conducted interviews of two dozen Rotarians from our district about their involvement in great service projects. The interviews were published in a monthly column for the District Newsletter and used in a book published jointly with their father on “Membership in Service Clubs: Rotary Experience”. Divya and Naina shared key messages from their book and a video about one of the District’s most impact full international projects to reduce child mortality in Mali.

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