Club Assembly

Posted on February 10th

For Discussion at Today’s Club Assembly A Message from President Bruce

Membership: The NBR has a stable and slowly growing membership at around 40 members. The goal for this fiscal year is to add 5 more members. All current members are encouraged to invite guests and prospective members.

Finances: The club is on a stable financial footing but we need to encourage members to keep their dues accounts up to date. It is “not fair to all concerned” for some to shoulder the financial obligations of others.

The Foundation: The Club Foundation is on a solid footing and can meet its outstanding commitments through 6/30/17. We need new fundraising activities and contributions from members to build our resources.

Grants: Rotary District and International grant applications are due in March please suggest projects and be ready to participate!

Other Stuff: Other issues and new Business will be taken up as time permits.

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