The New Rotary – Nick Martinez – Induct New President

Posted on July 24th

The New Rotary – Nick Martinez – Induct New President

Last Week Nick Martinez took over the North Bethesda Presidency with command presents. The board was sworn in by Past District Governor Claude Morrisette. There followed a discussion of the two highest priorities: new members and fund raising. Claude was very helpfull with ideas about finding and retaining new members. He mentioned a Past President who doubled the club’s membership from 20 to 40 in one year. Carla suggested we should invite outsiders to parties at Steve and Carla’s houses, and that they should be pot luck and charge an admission. Kevin said there are a lot of businesses in North Bethesda that are potential members. Dave volunteered to help Nick and Gonzo schedule Rotary speakers.

New officers:
President – Nick Martinez
Vice President – Joe DiPiedro
President Elect – Gonzo Accame
Secretary – Nancy Pulley
Treasurer – Steve Vaccareza
Club Service – Carmela Carr
Vocational Service – Bruce Fowler
Community Service – Mario Price
International Service – Jim Manley
Sergeant at Arms – Ron Sigelman


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