This week: January 31, 2025 - NBRC - Club Assembly (Zoom only)

Steve Emerick, Rare Tangible Assets

Posted on October 16th

Steve Emerick, Rare Tangible Assets

In March 2009 the Fed started buying US bonds by placing an IOU with the US Treasury, thus monetizing the debt. The IOU’s (Quantitave Easing, “QE”) are now $3T, and has set in motion a global currency war. The QE risks are run away inflation or callaps of the US $ as a global reserve currency. This could cause a financial collapse much worse than 2008-9. Steve Emerickk suggests that we should consider investing part of our IRA in rare tangible assets as a hed-ge against a US financial crisis. Steve represents Asset Strategies Internatio-nal, ASI. One can buy, sell, and store rare assets by internet using ASI Pre-cious Metals Direct. The storage can be off shore. Rare tangible assets can be bullion coins and bars (in Global Gold Swiss Storage), gold or silver money, numismatics, offshore real estate, Perth mint certificates, and/or rare stamps through Stanley Gibbons Ltd ( with stor-age in Chanel Islands Guerney and Jer-sey plus Hong Kong and Singapo-re). Steve also recommends 90% silver US dimes, quarters, and half $’s minted before 1965 in case the banks and credit cards are shut down. Steve Emerick can be contacted at

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