This week: December 13, 2024 - NBRC - Annual Meeting

Paul Arveson – Rotary’s Action Plan

Posted on September 13th

Paul Arveson – Rotary’s Action Plan

Paul Arveson, who has done strategic planning for government agencies, corporations, and nonprofit groups, continued with his exercise in strategic planning. He has incorporated many features of Rotary International’s new “Action Plan,” a strategic effort to revitalize clubs worldwide, in a plan for our club. The plan, focused on Rotary members as “People of Action,” includes four major priorities. They’re shown in red below and in Paul’s house diagram.

  1. Impact: People of Action are effective problem-solvers.
  2. Reach: People of Action activate and inspire one another.
  3. Engagement: People of Action strive to understand the needs of others.
  4. Adapt: People of Action are inventive, entrepreneurial, and resilient

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