This week: December 13, 2024 - NBRC - Annual Meeting


Posted on June 23rd

June is designated Rotary Fellowships Month to recognize the importance of international fellowship and goodwill among Rotarians with similar recreational and vocational interests, promote increased participation in fellowships, and increase understanding of this program. The RI Board encourages these groups to celebrate Rotary Fellowships Month through projects, activities, and events. (RCP42.010.9.). MOP 2013.
What are the benefits for Rotarians in joining the Rotary Fellowships? Fellowship provides opportunities for Rotarians to make lasting friendships outside their own Club, District or country. Fellowships contribute to the advancement of world understanding and peace. Also, Fellowships serve as an incentive for attracting new members to Rotary and retaining our existing members. Indeed, Rotary Fellowship, together with the Rotarian Action Groups, serve as an effective tool in promoting membership development and should be actively promoted in our Districts.

There are many Fellowships that would be of interest to our members, and they are detailed on You may find many extensive activities of the Rotary Fellowships that your profession, business or industry area has already established. If not, why not think about starting one yourself! Fellowships contribute to the advancement of world understanding and peace. Interested Rotarians can join a Rotary Fellowship by viewing the Rotary Fellowships Handbook (729) or even start a prospective Rotary Fellowship if their recreational or vocational interest is not in the list of approved Rotary Fellowships. The Rotary Fellowships are expected to facilitate communication among their members and maintain regular communication with RI.
When we talk about “Rotary Fellowships”, we actually refer to the groups of Rotarians, Rotarian spouses and Rotaractors who join together to:

  • Share a common interest in worthwhile recreational activities (sports, hobbies, etc.);
  • Further their vocational development through acquaintance with others of the same profession;
  • Make new friends around the world;
  • Explore new opportunities for service; and
  • Have fun and enhance their experience in Rotary.

Examples of Rotary Fellowships include: Rotarians on the Internet (ROTI), International Fellowship of Rotarians of Amateur Radio (ROAR), International Computer Users Fellowship of Rotarians (ICUFR),

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