This week: December 13, 2024 - NBRC - Annual Meeting

Sep 11th: Daniel Myers: Lessons from the Greatest Statesman of the 20th Century: Sir Winston S. Chuchill

Posted on August 31st

Sep 11th: Daniel Myers: Lessons from the Greatest Statesman of the 20th Century: Sir Winston S. Chuchill

An attorney by training, Dan Myers served the National Propane Gas Association as Chief Legal Counsel for 25 years, and for 14 of those years he was also its Chief Executive Officer. He retired in 2002 and opened a law practice in his home in Downers Grove, Illinois, to represent non-profit trade associations. From 2003-2008, he commuted between Chicago and Washington, serving as the Executive Director of The Churchill Centre, a worldwide organization with over 3,000 members that seeks to keep alive the memory and record of the greatest statesman of the 20th century, Sir Winston Churchill. Myers continues to serve as the Centre’s Chief Financial and Operating Officer and a consultant on their educational programs.

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