This week: February 7, 2025 - NBRC - Classification Talk

Carmela – Rotary Websites

Posted on October 11th

Carmela guided us through several Rotary websites and how to access them. Here are the highlights:

This is the international Rotary website, which has enormous amounts of information on Rotary’s international programs. One section of the site is called “MyRotary” and allows members to check their membership status. Existing members can access by using their email address to register and create a profile. Our club has a dashboard with basic information about the club.

This is the website for the district. Includes the District Governor’s newsletter, regional events, and other news.

This is a membership database used by the District. You can access this by using your membership number printed on the Rotary Magazine label. The system connects with Rotary International’s membership system and has additional features for club management.

This is our club website, managed by Lasse Syversen’s company, Flagship. The site has sections on the club membership, services, a photo gallery of our events, and an archive of our newsletters

Google Site

Our newest web feature is a shared Google site for board documents, and other information. Access is through

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