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Feb 26: America’s Drastic Shift: What are the Paths for Energy and Climate – Scott Sklar, President, The Stella Group

Posted on February 18th

Scott Sklar, President, The Stella Group

Scott Sklar is President of The Stella Group, Ltd. a strategic policy and clean technology optimization firm facilitating clean distributed energy utilization, which includes advanced batteries and controls, energy efficiency, fuel cells, geoexchange, heat engines, minigeneration (natural gas), microhydropower (and freeflow, tidal, wave), modular biomass, photovoltaics, small wind, and solar thermal (including daylighting, waste-toenergy, water heating, industrial preheat, building air-conditioning, and electric power generation). The Stella Group, Ltd. Is one of the very few companies that blends distributed energy technologies (microgrids, hybrid systems), aggregates financing (including leasing), with a focus on system standardization. Sklar founded the company in 1995 and joined it full time as its President in 2000.

Sklar is an Adjunct Professor at The George Washington University teaching three unique interdisciplinary courses on sustainable energy, and an Affiliated Professor with CATIE, an international graduate university located in Costa Rica focused on sustainability for Latin America. His 2018 GWU summer course, “Renewable
Energy for Critical Infrastructure”, is the first such course in the United States. He is Energy Director of GWU’s Environment & Energy Management Institute (EEMI). He was also an Adjunct coteaching a Renewable Energy in Latin America course at American University’s School of International Studies (SIS) in 2014.

Prior, Scott Sklar served for 15 years (1985-2000) simultaneously running two Washington, DC-based trade associations, as Executive Director of both the Solar Energy Industries Association and the National BioEnergy Industries Association. Before his move to SEIA and NBIA, he was Political Director of The Solar Lobby (1983-1984), a renewable energy advocacy organization founded by the nine major national environmental organizations. Before joining “the Lobby”,(1980-1983) he was Washington Director and Acting Research Director of the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT), founded by Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield and technologist EF Shumacher. This federally-funded applied technology organization assisted low income communities in system design, integration, and utilization of energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Sklar began his energy career as an aide to Senator Jacob K. Javits (NY) (1970-79) where he focused on energy and military matters for nine years. During his Senate tenure, he cofounded the Congressional Solar Caucus that lead many of the innovative legislation promoting renewable energy in the 1970’s.

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