This week: March 7, 2025 - Kent Mason - Classification Talk
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March 7: Kent Mason - Classification Talk
March 14: Malaika Wande  - The Ryla Experience
March 21: TBA - TBA
March 28: NBRC - Zoom Only

(New location)

Rob Scheer – Comfort Cases

May 10th

Rob will be following up on his presentation in March and to receive a special donation from Bruce Fowler and the Club Foundation

Olusina B. Adebayo – Rainbow Place Shelter

May 3rd

Since 1982, Rainbow Place Shelter has been a seasonal overnight shelter in Rockville serving adult women of all ages who are experiencing homelessness. Currently, the Shelter is in the process of expanding its mission.

Informal Zoom Roundtable

April 26th

We cover any last-minute details on Charter Night, updating the club website, and recruiting new members. 
No physical meeting this morning!