This week: March 14, 2025 - Malaika Wande  - The Ryla Experience

The Youth of the Cyprus Friendship Program

Posted on July 23rd

The Youth of the Cyprus Friendship Program

Geoffrey Fenner of the Olney Rotary Club brought two Cyriort girls, Xenia (Greek 15 year old) and Zehra ( Turk 16 year old) to give a 20 minute power point presentation. The two girls staid with a family for two weeks and are staying with Geoffrey for two weeks. The only way the girls can speak with one an other is in English. Both girls live in a city that is on the UN impose Buffer Zone between Greek (south) and Turk (north) Cyprus. They shared a room and the program is to promote mutual respect. They are the future Cyprot leaders on a mission to get rid of prejudice. Geoffrey explained a Rotary vision for global application of the peacebuilding model that was successfully used in Northern Island and that is presently building peace in Cyprus.

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