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Steve Boden – Montgomery County P S Automotive, Construction, and IT Program

Posted on March 23rd

Steve Boden – Montgomery County P S Automotive, Construction, and IT Program

Steve oversees the operation of three non-profit educational foundations that support students in the automotive, construction, and information technology /  computer science programs.  He also oversees all IT instruction for grades k-12.  Steve said that most 4 year college grads have a difficult time finding jobs that will compensate for the student loan debt.  Many go on to grad school at more expense in order to find a better job.  On the other hand, H S students that choose the trades route and become certified, can make over $100K in a few years, and can choose a work/ study college program that expands their career options without additional student loan debt.  The trade careers have become more technical and required more training before an entry job

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