This week: September 13, 2024 - Dan Sherman Ph.D - Composer Sergey Rachmaninoff

Mark Foraker – Manna Food Center

Posted on December 3rd

Mark Foraker – Manna Food Center

Mark Foraker is Director of Manna Foods, which is the main distributor of foods for the needy in Montgomery County. Manna collects food that is no longer marketable in the County food stores. Manna was established in 1983 with Giant Food as its major contributor at 1400 lb/day. They service the 8% poverty plus 39% of the County elementary school students. They have a 6 hour turnaround. On Fridays children are given a 6 lb bag of food to take home for the weekend. Manna helps the effort to improve children’s diet by lowering sodium and sugar.

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