This week: February 7, 2025 - NBRC - Classification Talk

David A Fitzwilliam – Climate Change and CO2

Posted on July 26th

David A Fitzwilliam – Climate Change and CO2

David Fitzwilliam talked about the history of the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – the effect of industrial CO2 on the predicted increase of global temperatures and sea level) and the counter and critical findings of NIPCC (Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change) in its 2013 report. The talk is based on the September 2013 NIPCC report and 400+ climate change articles in Investor’s Business Daily since the October 2009 reveling of 3500 CC emails of Phil Jones ( Director of the Climate Research Unit at the East Anglican University, London) showing that they were cooking the CC books, CC scientists were jumping off the CC wagon, and that Micheal Mann’s “hokey stick” prediction that CC would cause the seas to rise one meter in 50 years and Manhattan would be under water if human caused CO2 rise is not controlled.

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