This week: September 13, 2024 - Dan Sherman Ph.D - Composer Sergey Rachmaninoff

Club Assembly

Posted on January 7th

Last week we had our Club Assembly and Annual Meeting, re-scheduled from December last year. A good discussion among the members and a lot of information shared. The proposed board and Officers for 2016/2017 approved under president “to be”, Bruce A. Fowler:

President Elect: Carla W. Satinsky
Vice- President: Robert A. Follit
Secretary: Bruce Quinn
Treasury: Stephen G. Vaccarezza

The following Directors Elected:

Club Service   Nancy Pulley
Community Service Troy R. Scully
Vocational Service James M. Manley
International Service Jacques Paraskèvas
Past President Ron Sigelman
Public Relation Jay W. Davies
Membership Robert A. Follit
Sergeant at Arms Rotating Monthly
Newsletter Christine Syversen/David A.
Fitzwilliam/Lasse Syversen

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