This week: March 14, 2025 - Malaika Wande  - The Ryla Experience

Laptops for Technical Training in Brazil

Posted on June 29th

Laptops for Technical Training in Brazil

District 7620 Rotarians will contribute laptops to Rio de Janeiro Rotary Districts for technical computer-based training in industrial schools.  The laptops will be used to teach PC Maintenance A+ and Network+ Certifications, which are recognized world-wide.  PC Maintenance A+ Certification is the entrance point for pyramid of computer certifications (i.e. Microsoft, Cisco, etc.) that can be efficiently taught on laptops using CBT (Computer Based Training) available in Portuguese.  Though CBT can be used for most technical training, computers are the control systems for companies, industries, and government.  Computer education both upgrades the effected workforce and the economy by increased application of computers.

Montgomery County, Maryland, high school graduates with PC Maintenance A+ and Network+ Certifications make $20 per hour or $40,000 per year; 80% go on to college and are more focused and better college students.


R.I. Director Themistocles Pinho said that shipping laptops from Rotary USA to Brazil will avoid a Brazil customs problem; therefore, laptops should be donated to the Rotary Charitable Foundation of North Bethesda, Inc. (a 501-C charitable entity).


Potential laptop technical CBT projects in Mexico and OAS were discussed with Frank Devlyn (R.I. President, 2000-1) and Rich Carson (D/G & R.I. Prepresentative to OAS).

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